
David Treleaven and Willoughby Britton

Dr. David Treleaven is an educator, trauma professional, and the author of the acclaimed book Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness. Dr. Willoughby Britton is the founder and director of Cheetah House and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University Medical School. She has conducted over twenty years of clinical and neuroscientific research on the practice-specific effects of meditation.

Course curriculum

    1. David Treleaven and Willoughby Britton in Conversation

    2. Article: Willoughby Britton, Can Mindfulness Be Too Much of a Good Thing?

    3. Article: Rohani ... Britton, "Women Benefit More Than Men in Response to College-based Meditation Training"

    4. Article: Kuyken et al, The MYRIAD study of school-based mindfulness

    5. Article: Goldberg, Lam, Britton, Davdison, "Prevalence of meditation-related adverse effects in a population-based sample in the United States"

About this course

  • 0.5 hours of video content
  • Responses to the question "How can we support young meditators in distress?" as well as audience questions about mindfulness teaching strategies.
  • Discussion of diversity-informed and trauma-sensitive approaches to mindfulness.
  • Access to research studies related to the conversation.

Proceeds from this course go to supporting young meditators-in-distress.