Mindfulness for All? Mental health promotion evidence review
CourseWho benefits from mindfulness training and who doesn't? Learn to decode the science and differentiate fact from fiction. ✅ 1 CE Credit
Meditation, Culture, and Enlightenment Machines
CourseProf. David McMahan analyzes the role of culture in meditation and explains how meditative practices are inevitably embedded in a context of ideas, ideals, cultural sensibilities, and taken-for-granted assumptions.
The Dark Nights of the Soul in Abrahamic Meditative Traditions
CourseDr. Nathan Fisher guides you through his extensive research into meditation practice related challenges in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions, illuminating their conceptions of path, goal, and the potential value of "dark night" experiences.
Letters to My Former Self - Sarah Fuss Kessler
CourseIn this series, meditators who have worked with Cheetah House courageously share with us their stories--the circumstances of their meditation-related challenges, the responses they had to them, and their trajectories of healing and growth.
Letters to My Former Self - Rachael Petersen
CourseIn this series, meditators who have worked with Cheetah House courageously share with us their stories--the circumstances of their meditation-related challenges, the responses they had to them, and their trajectories of healing and growth.
Letters to My Former Self - Mandy Johnson
CourseIn this series, meditators who have worked with Cheetah House courageously share with us their stories--the circumstances of their meditation-related challenges, the responses they had to them, and their trajectories of healing and growth.