Buddhist Modernism and Meditation-Related Difficulties
CourseDr. Nathan Fisher explores how Evan Thompson's recent scholarship illuminates "Buddhist modernism" and how cognitive science can help make sense of meditation-related difficulties.
MyMAP (Meditation Assessment Process)
CourseDr. Britton introduces MyMAP, a meditation assessment process and way of thinking about your goals through meditation and whether meditation is serving them.
David Treleaven and Willoughby Britton In Conversation: A Cheetah House Fundraising Event
CourseDrs. David Treleaven and Willoughby Britton discuss young meditators in distress, the issues they face, and how best to help them.
Meditation-Related Adverse Effects: One Hour Introduction
CourseTypes of adverse effects, how and why they arise, and fundamental mitigation strategies--all in under an hour!
Meditation-Related Adverse Effects Research Overview: A Three-Part Course
CourseAn up-to-date overview of research on meditation-related adverse effects from Dr. Britton's research studies and others.
The Varieties of Contemplative Experience - Two Hour Research Overview
CourseWhy the study was conducted, the range of meditation-related challenges and how people interpret and respond to them.